Care Level - Moderate
Temperament- Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe - with Caution
Max Size - 1'8"
Min. Tank Size - 30 gallon
The Long Tentacle Anemone is also referred to as the Corkscrew Anemone, Sand Anemone, Red Base Anemone, and Long Tentacle Red Base Anemone. Its tentacles are spaced further apart than other similar anemones. This variation of the Long Tentacle Anemone has purple tentacles and a red base. This is a fairly uncommon find in the industry. It is a host to clownfish, usually Amphiprion perideraion and A. clarki.
The Long Tentacle Anemone requires an established aquarium with plenty of live rock, moderate to high lighting and a sand or rubble substrate in which it can hide. They may also settle in the live rock where they will attach themselves in a crevice. Be sure not to include incompatible species of fish that may attack the anemone.
The diet should include small pieces of fish or mussel, brine or mysis shrimp and other frozen meaty foods that are marine in origin.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"